Will You Be Deported if Your Asylum Application is Denied?

Receiving a denied asylum application is never the outcome any asylum seeker wants to happen. This is especially true when the consequences are returning to a volatile and unsafe situation in one’s home country. But denials do happen. According to the Executive Office for Immigration Review Adjudication Statistics, asylum denial rates will vary by nationality, and there can be several reasons why one’s application is denied.
When an asylum application is denied, removal proceedings can follow. This, however, does not mean that a denial will automatically lead to deportation. The United States immigration system is complicated, and when removal proceedings begin, one may feel disheartened about their future prospects of staying inside the country.
For assistance with an asylum application or for help if a denial was issued, please reach out to an experienced Atlanta deportation defense attorney at Shirazi Immigration Law Inc.
Dealing with an Asylum Denial
The United States has an asylum system because of its compassion and generosity for those who need protection and safe haven. Still, simply because this system does exist, that does not mean that applying for it will work out and an application will be approved. There are many instances where the opposite happens, and an asylum application is denied.
It can feel devastating to hear that your asylum application was denied. Especially when the denial may be the reason that deportation proceedings are started.
A denied asylum application puts that individual into the removal process. During this time, there could be ways to stay in the U.S. You may make the case that your particular circumstances make it necessary that you remain in the United States. An immigration judge can decide to grant this request or refuse it. When an immigration judge denies your request, it is possible to appeal the decision in the federal court. When the federal court denies your request, then deportation is imminent.
After applying for asylum, you may remain in the country while you await to hear back about your status. However, when a denial is issued it is imperative to immediately take action and file an appeal in a federal court. Failure to do so will lead to your immediate and swift deportation.
A denial of an asylum application is not ideal, but it does happen. There is a process, though, that you will go through if these are the circumstances you find yourself in. It could be possible to successfully reapply or appeal. An attorney can help you understand your options and improve your chances of securing a more favorable result.
Speak to an Immigration Attorney Today
A denied asylum application can cause you a great deal of distress and concern for your future. Indeed, it could lead to your deportation. However, a denied application does not guarantee you will be removed from the country. Due to the complexity that comes with navigating the U.S. immigration system, it is best not to do it alone but rather with the help of an experienced attorney.
For a consultation to discuss your needs and case, please call an Atlanta, GA, immigration lawyer, Shirazi Immigration Law Inc., today at 404-523-3611.