Why Are U.S. Immigration Applications Taking So Long To Review?

Waiting for your immigration application into the United States to be approved can be stressful and trying. It can also take a long time. If you have been waiting for what feels like an excessive amount of time to hear back from United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), not only would you be in good company but you would also be right to feel that things are moving along quite slowly. According to their own data, USCIS shows that the efficiency of adjudicators is incredibly low.
Figuring out what is needed in an application and which forms are necessary to get into the country legally can be complicated. Especially in situations where an applicant does not know the English language, discerning what is required to come to the United States can be particularly difficult. Here, an attorney can help.
The Atlanta immigration attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc., have compassion for prospective immigrants’ plight to come to the United States and the uphill battle many of them face. The legal team at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc., is dedicated to helping these individuals come to the U.S. with the least amount of stress and time.
The Problem of Lagging Review Times for U.S. Immigration Applications
According to the Cato Institute, as high as 82% of forms submitted to USCIS are being held up from review. That is an astonishing number. This is affecting many prospective new immigrants eager to come to the country. Many reasons can explain why there has been such a backlog in reviewing applications.
A major factor contributing to the problem is how onerous and lengthy the applications have become. The vast majority of forms, 93% to be exact, have been weighed down by adding hundreds of extra pages. Not only does this increase the time it takes to review a single application but the process too becomes more complicated for reviewers. Then, when an application is fully reviewed, the time it takes to conduct an interview is also extended. From start to finish, reviewing an application and conducting interviews has become an increasingly burdensome system taking up a great deal of adjudicators’ time.
Additionally, moving the process to be one that is done online hasn’t helped things. Some adjudicators that are more familiar with looking over paper applications are having a hard time making the transition to reviewing digital documents.
Attempts to make things go more smoothly, like digitizing paperwork, seem to be having the opposite effect. With the backlog that exists and that is growing, the struggle for adjudicators to get through everything is real. And, the pain and frustration applicants are having are also palpable.
Speak to an Atlanta Immigration Attorney Today
For all questions that you have about the U.S. immigration process and for solutions to your immigration issues, the Atlanta immigration lawyers at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc., can help.
Do not hesitate or wait to connect with the legal team at Shirazi Immigration Law Inc. Please call 404-523-3611..