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When To Replace Your Green Card


If you have a Green Card, there may be instances where it must be replaced. Replacing your Green Card can be done by filling out the Form I-90. You can do this online or by mail. Usually, doing so online is the easiest and most convenient way. When you file Form I-90 online, you can use your computer, phone, or tablet. You can check to see when your application was received and also get updates on your case. Additionally, you can send digital communications to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). When your application is approved, then you will receive your new Green Card in the mail.

Individuals who have a Green Card have lawful permanent resident status (LPR). With this designation, a Green Card holder may reside, live, and work within the United States. Should a person with a Green Card meet certain other eligibility requirements, in about five years time, they can go through naturalization and become a U.S. citizen with all the rights and protections that any other U.S. citizen has.

If you would like to obtain your Green Card or if you must replace your Green Card and do not know how to do so, an Atlanta naturalization attorney at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. is ready and eager to assist you.

When Lawful Permanent Residents Should Replace Their Green Card 

  • Your Green Card is set to expire in six months, or it has expired.
  • You lost your Green Card, or it was stolen or mutilated.
  • Unless your Green Card is to expire before your 16th birthday, then you should replace it if you received your Green Card before you were 14 years of age and you are now 14 years old.
  • You were previously a commuter, but you are going to become a resident of the U.S.
  • You were previously a resident in the U.S., but you are going to become a commuter.
  • Your alien registration card is invalid because what you have is an older, outdated version. You must replace an out-of-date alien registration card with a Green Card.
  • The information on your Green Card is incorrect.
  • Since you received your Green Card, you have changed your biographic information, such as your name.
  • You were supposed to receive a Green Card but never did.

 When Conditional Permanent Residents Should Replace Their Green Card 

  • You lost your Green Card, or it was stolen or mutilated.
  • The information on your Green Card is incorrect.
  • Since you received your Green Card, you have changed your biographic information, such as your name.
  • You were supposed to receive a Green Card but never did.

 Speak with an Atlanta Immigration Attorney Today 

There are specific situations and instances where it is necessary to have your Green Card replaced. An attorney can assist you with this.

For a consultation to discuss your needs and case, please call Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. today at 404-523-3611. One of our Atlanta, GA, immigration lawyers is here for you and ready to help.



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