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Relief for Undocumented Immigrant Spouses Through “Parole in Place”


It is estimated that as many as 765,000 individuals who are undocumented and do not have lawful status are married to American citizens. In these households, there are approximately 1.6 million dependent children.

Recently, the Biden administration released comprehensive details and eligibility requirements for undocumented immigrants who are residing in the United States and the spouses of American citizens. Through the “Parole in Place” program, it is expected that as many as 500,000 of these immigrants will qualify and be granted relief. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has already begun accepting applications for the Parole in Place program.

If you are an undocumented immigrant of an American spouse, you may be eligible for removal protections and employment authorization under the Parole in Place plan. For more information on if you qualify and how you can apply, you may reach out to one of our experienced and resourceful Atlanta family immigration attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc.

The Benefits of Parole in Place for Undocumented Immigrants 

The Parole in Place program allows undocumented individuals married to U.S. citizens the opportunity to apply for permanent residency. It will also eliminate any penalties that would have been enforced otherwise for unlawful presence in the U.S.

Once an applicant is approved, then they can apply to obtain legal employment authorization. This means that they will be able to look for work and earn an income legally.

Eligibility for the Parole in Place program includes:

  • Being legally married to a U.S. citizen
  • Have lived in the U.S. for at least ten years
  • No disqualifying criminal history. If an applicant has a history of minor offenses, then there could be a possibility that they can be approved. They would have to make their case to the USCIS and make a convincing argument for why they deserve approval.

In addition to spouses being able to take advantage of the program, immigrant stepchildren may also qualify for relief through the program.

Being granted parole is not a guarantee of staying in the country. There are still expectations for these individuals and parole can be terminated should any violations occur. The program is expected to face legal challenges.

Parole is a means to allow undocumented immigrants to apply for permanent residency while continuing to live inside the country. It is expected that the grants will last as long as three years.

The Parole in Place program is the largest expansion in the use of parole authority. As such, there is no doubt legal challenges will be coming.

Speak with an Atlanta Family Immigration Attorney Today

If you are married to a U.S citizen and have been concerned about your status in the country, the Parole in Place program may be right for you. To learn more about this program and other options you have to stay inside the country and keep your family whole, speaking with an attorney can be advantageous.

For a consultation to discuss your needs and case, please call Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. today at 404-523-3611. One of our Atlanta, GA, immigration lawyers is here for you and ready to help.



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