Immigrants Could Fill The Need For Home Health Aides In The United States

There are a few things that are true for almost everyone and life. They say these are death and taxes. The other thing is aging. With age can come the need for extra support to engage in daily activities. This can include help with meal preparation, medication dispensing, transportation, bathing, and more. In the United States, the aging population that needs such services is growing rapidly.
According to the Population Reference Bureau, the number of older adults aged 65 and above in the U.S. has been rapidly increasing since as far back as 2011. According to the PRB, by 2060, the elderly population is expected to increase by 69% from its population in 2020. This would mean that in 2060 there could be just shy of 95 million elderly individuals. Considering that approximately 70% of older adults will need some type of daily care, this need for services is going to be growing substantially. An influx of health and personal care workers will need to fill the void.
How Immigrants Can Help With Personal Care for the Elderly in the U.S.
The workforce is trending on fewer people entering and taking open jobs. This includes the tough job of elder care. As a result, a distinct shortage exists in the profession. In response, immigrants have overwhelmingly taken on these roles.
The home health and personal care services sector is not only increasing in need, but it is emerging as one of the fastest-growing industries for new workers. Despite the apparent and clear demand for such professionals to join the industry, it is believed that the workforce that exists in the U.S. will not grow fast enough to meet that requirement.
Not only does the population not show a parallel to being able to fill the void, but with time those that are currently employed will eventually leave the profession for one reason or another. Potentially to retire or pursue other professional opportunities.
Immigrants comprised over 36% of the home health aides employed in the U.S. in 2019. When compared to the immigrant makeup in the entire U.S. workforce, which is only just a bit over 17%, it is clear that immigrants can play a critical and vital role in the country if allowed to come to the U.S. and obtain gainful employment in the home health and personal care services industry.
The aging population in the U.S. is not going anywhere. There must be trained professionals ready and prepared for the work to support this rapidly growing demographic. Immigrants from across the globe could be one remedy to address this imminent situation.
Speak to a Georgia Immigration Attorney Today
If you are interested in coming to the United States to work and you are unsure about how to do that, you can reach out to one of the knowledgeable Georgia immigration attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law Inc.
With more than 20 years of dedicated experience helping immigrants obtain work visas in the United States, the Atlanta immigration lawyers at Shirazi Immigration Law Inc. can help you determine the right means to immigrate to the United States and secure a bright future. For a consultation to discuss your needs and case, please call Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. today at 404-523-3611 for the Atlanta office, 229-520-8875 for our office in Moultrie and (706) 622-3313 for our office in Dalton.