How To File For Temporary Protected Status (TPS) In The United States

March has been a big month for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. On March 3, USCIS announced that they would be offering Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to Ukrainians who were in the United States as of March 1, 2022. Then on March 16, USCIS announced that Afghanistan had also been added to the list of countries eligible for TPS, allowing Afghan-nationals present in the United States on or before March 16, 2022, to register for the status. Unlike asylum or refugee statuses, which are decided on a case-by-case basis, TPS must be granted on a per-country basis. In other words, in order for an individual to apply for TPS status, they must be a foreign national belonging to a country on the list of countries designated by the State Department for TPS. By adding Ukraine and Afghanistan to the list of countries eligible for TPS, Ukrainians and Afghan-nationals who are currently in the United States (or were in accordance with the dates mentioned above) now have the ability to apply for TPS and receive the benefits that come with it, including the ability to live and work in the United States for a minimum of 18 months without threat of deportation. This 18-month period can be extended as many times as necessary until the government determines that it is no longer dangerous for the TPS recipients to return to their countries of origin.
How to Register for TPS
TPS is not automatically granted, you must register for it. The primary form that you will need to complete is form I-821 (Application for Temporary Protected Status). Conveniently, this form may be filed online. If you want to be able to work as soon as possible, it’s important to file form I-765 (Request for Employment Authorization) at the same time that you file your application for TPS. While you do have the option to file form I-765 later, it will delay your ability to begin working. Filing the two forms together may also result in you getting authorization to work sooner than you would otherwise. You will also have to submit evidence supporting that you come from a country that has been designated for TPS, evidence of your date of entry into the United States, and evidence of continuous residence in the United States since you arrived.
Contact Shirazi Immigration Law to Schedule a Consultation
If you want to register for TPS or see what your options are for beginning the naturalization process to become a U.S. citizen, the experienced attorneys at Shirazi Immigration Law are ready to help. We are ready to help you start building the life that you want. Contact Shirazi Immigration Law today to schedule a consultation.