Author Archives: Jay Butchko

What Happens if Your VAWA Green Card Application Has Been Approved?
If you are an immigrant who is being abused by your U.S. citizen spouse, children, parents, or other applicable family members, then you may feel like you have nowhere to turn and that you are stuck in a toxic and unsafe situation. However, this may not be the case. The United States recognizes that… Read More »

Can You Serve in the U.S. Military if you are not a U.S. Citizen?
If you reside in the United States but are not a citizen, you could wonder if serving in the U.S. military is possible. The answer is, in some cases, Yes. It depends on your circumstances, though. Suppose you have questions about what your rights are and what you can do as a noncitizen in… Read More »

Will You Be Deported if Your Asylum Application is Denied?
Receiving a denied asylum application is never the outcome any asylum seeker wants to happen. This is especially true when the consequences are returning to a volatile and unsafe situation in one’s home country. But denials do happen. According to the Executive Office for Immigration Review Adjudication Statistics, asylum denial rates will vary by… Read More »

Have You Been Waiting to Have Your US Immigration Case Heard?
If you have been waiting for what seems like an excessively long time to have your immigration case heard, you may be feeling confused and upset about the long wait times. While it may not provide you with much comfort and reassurance, the reality is that you would not be alone in this situation…. Read More »

Top Tips for New Immigrants Celebrating the Holiday Season in the U.S.
It is that time of year again when the holiday season is in full swing in the United States. For newcomers to the country, this could be an exciting time as well as one that can trigger a great deal of homesickness. Wondering how to navigate the major traditions that happen during the holidays… Read More »

How To Dress for Success in Your U.S. Citizenship Interview
If you are working through the complex U.S. immigration process, there is no need to complicate anything further or make any part of it much harder than it has to be. This includes paying attention to the details. Certainly, the most important part of the process is knowing what paperwork and documentation is needed… Read More »

Is the Cost to Become a U.S. Citizen Expensive?
When the goal is to come to the United States and obtain citizenship, the path forward may not be the easiest, and at times, it can be confusing. But, when everything is done correctly, the desired result may be obtained. There are so many considerations that prospective citizens of the United States face. Some… Read More »

Sign up for AILALink Training Today
There are approximately 17,558 immigration lawyers and attorneys who are practicing throughout the United States in 2023. This is an increase in the industry of 7.9% from the previous year. In fact, on average over the last five years, the number of businesses in the U.S. immigration industry has been growing consistently at a… Read More »

4 Essential Requirements for Family-Based Immigration Into the U.S.
Keeping your family together is very important for many households. In this global world, though, people can easily move around and as a result, sometimes leave family behind to pursue new opportunities in other countries. If you are living in the United States as a permanent resident or citizen and you have family living… Read More »

How to Avoid a Rejection of your Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal
If you are coming to the United States and want to apply for Asylum and Withholding of Removal, then you must file Form 1-589. The problem that so many immigrants have on their journey to come to the United States is not understanding the process, what is needed for entry, and errors with their… Read More »