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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


2024 Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded to 3 American Immigrants

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

The Nobel Prize is a highly distinguished award named after the inverter, entrepreneur, and businessman Alfred Nobel. After his death, his instructions were to use the wealth he accumulated during his life to reward individuals who contributed the most significant benefit to humankind. In October of each year, there are six fields in which… Read More »

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How Do Some Unauthorized Immigrants in The U.S. Have Protection from Deportation?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

More so than any other country around the globe, the United States has the most immigrants wanting to come and live in the country. In fact, the United States is home to as much as one-fifth of the international migrants that come from almost every country around the world. There are several motivations for… Read More »

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A Record Number of Naturalized Citizens in the U.S. Can Vote

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

The United States is home to over 300,000,000 people, and it is the third most populated country behind India and China. Many residents in the country are immigrants who have become citizens through naturalization. As a result, these individuals have gained the right to vote in American elections. There are many benefits to naturalization… Read More »

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Understanding How Asian Americans Feel About Living in the United States

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

There are 24 million Asian Americans who call the United States home, and 54% of them are immigrants. Among the immigrant Asian Americans, 67% are adults. This data from the Pew Research Center shows that out of all of the significant racial or ethnic groups living in the U.S., Asian Americans are the only… Read More »

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The D3 Waiver Gives DREAMers Hope to Find Gainful Employment in the United States

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA recipients, have traditionally been hesitant to enter the U.S. workforce because they lack legal status in the country. Despite going to school and college and even, in some cases, obtaining an advanced degree, many DREAMers have felt left out and discouraged when it comes to applying what… Read More »

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Undocumented Immigrants, D.A.C.A., and DREAMers: What is the Difference?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

There are several terms thrown around that refer to individuals in the country without legal status. U.S. immigration law is always evolving and changing, and because of this, there are nuances as to what terms actually mean and who they apply to. Immigrating to the United States and obtaining legal status is a notoriously… Read More »

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Updates to the Policy Manual Guidance for the T Visa: For Victims of Human Trafficking

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

T visas are meant for individuals who survived human trafficking. Recently, a major update to the T visa application has gone into effect, and according to professionals monitoring and trying to prevent human trafficking, the changes are showing to have a positive impact. Still, the changes are not without criticisms. For individuals who have… Read More »

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Know Your Rights If ICE Comes to Your Door

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

It can be a terrifying experience to have a knock at your door, and that knock comes from a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent. The critical thing to know is that even if you are an undocumented immigrant living in the country, you still have constitutional rights. You must know your rights… Read More »

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Why a Red Card Can be Helpful for Immigrants in the U.S.

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

Being an immigrant in the U.S. does not mean that you are without your rights. Even undocumented immigrants have rights in America. Sometimes, though, real-life situations can be scary for immigrants, and knowing what to do and remembering what your rights are can be difficult. This is why it can be advantageous to always… Read More »

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Relief for Undocumented Immigrant Spouses Through “Parole in Place”

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

It is estimated that as many as 765,000 individuals who are undocumented and do not have lawful status are married to American citizens. In these households, there are approximately 1.6 million dependent children. Recently, the Biden administration released comprehensive details and eligibility requirements for undocumented immigrants who are residing in the United States and… Read More »

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