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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


The EB-5 Visa Program – What Are The Basic Requirements?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

In 1990, the United States Congress created the EB-5 Program, also known as the Immigrant Investor Program. If a potential immigrant can qualify under the program, they can legally enter and reside in the United States. Basic Requirements The U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website states, “To qualify for the EB-5 program, a… Read More »

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Is Everyone Born In The United States Entitled To Citizenship?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

If you were born in the United States, then in most cases, you will become a United States citizen. This includes the continental United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Though, there are some instances where birth in the country does not equate with citizenship. If you… Read More »

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13 Factors That Can Bar You From Getting Asylum In The United States

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

In 2021, there were 11,454 people that were given protection and shelter as refugees in the United States according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Suppose you are seeking asylum in the United States. In that case, some important things can help you better understand if you will qualify and be successful or… Read More »

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How Crimmigation Lawyers Help Non-Citizens

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

Non-US citizens have a lot to think about with respect to their actions while in the United States. If the ultimate goal is to stay permanently, these individuals have a very high bar to meet to remain in good standing in the country. This means that any action which could potentially be unlawful must… Read More »

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The Benefits Of Building Positive Financials As A Non-Citizen In The United States

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

Everyone living in the United States has one thing in common, and that is how to manage their specific and unique financial situation. After all, it takes money to function in life, buy food, have shelter, pay taxes, and address all other aspects of life. For individuals that are non-citizens, it is not just… Read More »

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What To Know About An Asylum Interview In The United States

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

When a person is living in a precarious situation where they have fear of persecution in their home country, they may decide the best course of action is to apply for asylum in the United States. This can be an incredibly difficult and frightening situation to be in. When there is the element of… Read More »

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What Countries Have The Most Immigrants Come To The United States?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

In the United States, foreign-born individuals that were living in the country were just under 45 million in 2018 according to the Pew Research Center. The immigrant population in the country is growing and has quadrupled since 1965 meaning that when compared to the entire population in the U.S. foreign-born individuals makeup 13.7% of… Read More »

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What Is Crimmigration And How Does It Affect You?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

The United States is a free country with ample opportunities offered to its residents to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As a result, individuals around the globe seek to come to the United States to have the ability to grab onto their own American dream and live their own robust and… Read More »

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How Fiancé And Spouse Immigration Visas Differ

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

A common question with respect to immigration and intimate partners is how are fiancé visas and spouse visas different? In some situations, you may have gone abroad and found the perfect partner for your life. As a result, you get engaged. Or, maybe while you were abroad you not only get engaged but you… Read More »

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Why Was The EB-5 Program Created?

By Shirazi Immigration Law, Inc. |

The United States welcomes investment into our country. And, when investments can be used to create gainful employment and growth for residents in the country, this may allow for foreign investors to live permanently in the United States. The Immigrant Investor Program, which is also called the EB-5 visa program, is unique in that… Read More »

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